Bismarck, ND Tree Farm & Wholesale Nursery 701-226-6098 /
Bismarck, ND Tree Farm & Wholesale Nursery 701-226-6098 /
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Bare Root, B&B, Wooden Basket, and Container Evergreens Grown in North Dakota. Best evergreens for North Dakota Landscapes. Fast growing evergreens. Large evergreens. Drought tolerant evergreens. Hardy evergreens. Big evergreen trees for sale. Buy evergreens online. Wholesale Evergreens. Wholesale nursery. Click on pictures for options.
Thuja occidentalis ‘Dark Green’, Zone 3-
7, 20-30 H x 10-15 W, Dense, conical to
narrow pyramidal, aromatic yellow-green
foliage, avoid windy/exposed/dry sites
Thuja occidentalis ‘Art Boe’, Zone 3-8, 10
-15 H x 3-5 W, Narrow Columnar habbit,
resists winter burn, yellow green young
trees turn dark green with age
Thuja occidentalis ‘Skybound’, Zone 3-7,
15-18H x 3-5 W, Stately columnar habit,
dark green foliage, avoid windy/exposed/
dry sites
Juniperus scopulorum ’Blue Arrow’, Zone
4-9, 12-15 H x 2 W, very narrow, blue
foliage, silvery-blue berries, deer/rabbit
resistant, urban/dry tolerant
Juniperus chinesis ‘Blue Point’, Zone 4-9,
12 H x 8 W, broad pyramidal form with
little need to trim, takes well to clipped
topiary forming
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Medora’, Zone 3-
7, 10-15 H x 4-5 W, from the badlands
of North Dakota, narrow, columnar
pyramid with blue-green foliage holds
form with little or no pruning
Juniperus scopulorum ‘Moonglow’, Zone
3-7, 20 H x 8 W, shimmering silveryblue
foliage, very cold tolerant and
adaptable, thick foliage for screens
Juniperus scopulorum, Zone 3-9, 25-45 H
x 15 W, ND Native, dense pyramidal
growth, very drought & pH tolerant Great cover and food for wildlife.
Narrow Columnar Form. Dense Blueish Green Foliage All Year. Great Natural Fence. More Hardy than Arbor Vitae
Juniperus virginiana ‘Taylor’, Zone 3-9,
20-30 H x 3 W, softer green foliage
with tones of blue, very narrow
columnar form, very dense, great for a
screen or a regal entryway accent
Pinus ponderosa, Zone 3-7, 55-90 H x 25-
30 W, ND Native, pyramidal when young,
becoming open-crowned with age, prefers
moist, well drained acidic soils, but
tolerates drought, slightly alkaline and
saline soils, fast growing conifer for ND
Pinus sylvestris, Zone 2-9, 35-60 H x 25
-35 W, Scaly flaking rusty colored bark,
shorter needles and denser than
Ponderosa Pine, Pyramidal when young,
becoming open and irregular with age,
very cold hardy and adaptable to many
sites, Fastest growing conifer for ND
Pinus strobus ‘Fastigiata’, Zone 3-8, 30-
40 H x 7-10 W, Columnar ascending
branches, requires moist acidic soil,
intolerant of compacted, clay, alkaline
soils or pollution
Picea glauca ’Densata’, Zone 2-8, 35-50 H
x 15-25 W, ND Native, symmetrical cone
shape, denser than species, less prone to
snow load damage, bright green new
foliage turns blue-green, softer needles
than Colorado spruce, deer/rabbit
resistant, drought tolerant, prefers well-drained moist acidic soils
Picea pungens, Zone 2-7, 50-80 H x 15-
25 W, Choice specimen tree, native to
inter-mountain states of west, tall &
broad dense pyramidal growth, scaly or
flaky bark, blue to green needles with
sharp points, deer/rabbit resistant, most
drought tolerant of spruce, prefers well-drained moist acidic soils
Picea pungens, Zone 2-7, 50-80 H x 15-
25 W, Choice specimen tree, native to
inter-mountain states of west, tall &
broad dense pyramidal growth, scaly or
flaky bark, blue to green needles with
sharp points, deer/rabbit resistant, most
drought tolerant of spruce, prefers well-drained moist acidic soils
Picea pungens ‘Fastigiata’, Zone 2-7, 12-
18 H x 4-6’ W, narrow pyramidal columnar
growth, silvery-blue needles, drought
tolerant once established
Picea pungens ‘Fat Albert’, Zone 2-7, 40
H x 20 W, establishes the iconic broad
pyramidal form and silvery blue needles
of the Colorado spruce quickly, 10-15
HxW in 10 years
Picea Pungens ‘Sester Dwarf’, Zone 2-7,
10 H x 6 W, Classic blue needles and
conical form in a compact form, growing
only a few inches each year
Picea pungens ‘The Blues’, Zone 2-8, size
varies with structure, may be trained to
grow along fences, walls, railings and
other structure, growing 5-10” per year
Thuja occidentalis ’Smaragd (spiral)’
Zone 4-7, 12 H x 2 W, rigidly columnar
arborvitae trimmed into spiral form, slow
growing, trim annually to maintain form
Juniperis chinensis ‘Old Gold’, Zone 2-7,
2-3 H x 3-4 W, gold-Yellow new growth
with green foliage, heavily pruned to
create/maintain Pom Pom shape, may
have slight bronzing in winter
Pinus sylvestris, Zone 2-9, Select
specimens chosen for their dense growth
are heavily pruned to create tufts of
dense new growth and needles, prune to
maintain this habit
Picea pungens f. glauc ‘Globosa’, Zone 3-7,
3-4 H x 3-4 W, Compact, very dense,
Symmetrical rounded head, grafted to a
bare trunk, the head continues to
expand, but the trunk will not elongate
Add color and interest to your rock gardens, borders, walkways and other landscaping features with these more compact evergreen varieties. Best evergreens for North Dakota. Best landscape evergreen shrubs. Hardy evergreen shrubs. Drought tolerant evergreen shrubs. Buy shrubs online. Wholesale evergreen shrubs. Wholesale plant nursery. Click on pictures for options.
Buxus x ‘Green Gem’, Zone 4-9, 2-3 H x 3
-4 W, small, lush mound of emerald green
foliage, some winter bronzing, protect
from dry winter winds
Buxus microphylla var. japonica ‘Winter
Gem’, Zone 5-9, 4-6 H x 4-6 W, rich
green foliage can bronze in winter, but is
among first to green again come spring
Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’, Zone 3-
9, 3-6” H x 6-8’ W, fine trailing juniper
with uniform, full centered growth, silver
-blue foliage covers ground quickly
Pinus mugo ‘Slowmound’, Zone 2-8, 1-2 H
x 2-3 W, rugged cold hardy evergreen
with fine textured foliage, slow growing
mound shape
Taxus x media ‘Dark Green’, Zone 4-7, 4-
5 H x 6-7 W, dark green color all year,
prefers some shade and wind protection
Taxus x media ‘Densiformis’, Zone 4-7, 3-
4 H x 4-6 W, light green new growth on
dark green foliage with scarlet red cones
which resemble berries
Taxus x media ‘Hicksii’, Zone 4-7, 10-12
H x 3-4 W, long, upright branches and
dense glossy green foliage make it
perfect for a foundation, takes well to
trimming and shaping
Taxus x media ‘Tauntonii’, Zone 4-7, 3-4
H x 4-6 W, dwarf spreading, yellow new
growth turns dark green, slightly more
wind resistant than other varieties
Bare Root, Container, and B&B Deciduous Trees Selected for Hardiness, Drought Tolerance and ND Soil Conditions. CALL 701-226-6098 or EMAIL to ORDER NOW. Best shade trees for North Dakota. Fast growing shade trees. Best ornamental trees for North Dakota landscape. Buy trees online. Wholesale shade trees. Wholesale tree nursery. Click on pictures for options.
NDSU Intro. Distinguished Dark Green, Rounded Habit. North Dakota Hardy.
Populus Tremuloides, Zone 2-7, 35-55 H
x 20-30 W, leaves tremble in light
breeze, yellow fall color, smooth light
bark w/ dark knots and horizontal scars
Populus Tremula ‘Erecta’, Zone 2-5, 40 H
x 10 W, very narrow form great for small
spaces, flat, rounded leaves give visual
appeal and soothing sound.
Betula Platyphylla ‘Fargo’, Zone 3-7, 40 H
x 15 W, narrow columnar to pyramidal
habit, slightly exfoliated bark, green
foliage, golden yellow fall color.
Betula Nigra, Zone 3-9, 35-50 H x 25-40
W, upright rounded habit, white bark
exfoliating to copper-bronze, green
foliage, yellow fall color.
Betula Populofia ‘x B. Hybrid. Crimson
Frost ‘Royal Frost’, Zone 3-6, 30-40 H x
15-20 W, Stunning deep red-purple
leaves and white bark. Bright fall colors.
Betula Populifolia ‘Whitespire’, Zone 3-
7, 20-40 H x 15-20 W, upright habit,
non-exfoliating bark, green foliage,
yellow fall color.
Betula Pendula ‘Youngii’, Zone 2-7, 8-10 H
x 15 W, unusual small tree with very
pendulous branches, mounding form,
strong trunk with age.
Malus ‘Coralcole’, Zone 3-7, 8-12 H x 10-
15 W, Compact, very dense, Symmetrical
rounded head, pink blossoms and bronze
fruit, lush green leaves.
Malus x ‘Prairifire’, Zone 4-8, 15-20 H x
15-20 W, upright form, reddish new
foliage turns dark green, deep pink spring
flowers, persistent red-purple fruit
Malus x ’Shotizam’, Zone 4-8, 15-22 H x
12-20 W, heavy blooming showy pink
flowers, dark green foliage with reddish
tone, bright red persistent fruit
Malus ‘Spring Snow’, Zone 4-7, 15-25 H x
15-20 W, brilliant white flowers, bright
green foliage turns golden yellow in fall,
Malus x ‘Jeflite’, Zone 4-7, 20-25 H x 15
-20 W, glossy dark green foliage, showy,
snow white flowers, small but vibrant
candy apple red persistent fruit.
Cornus Kousa, Zone 5-8, 15-30 H x 15-30
W, creamy white bracts, dark green
foliage, scarlet autumn color, smooth
young bark peels with age, slow growing
Ulmus x ‘Morton’, Zone 4-9, 50-60 H x
25-40 W, Vase shaped, vigorous growth,
dark green foliage, yellow fall color,
winged seeds, excellent DED resistance
Ulmus Americana ’Princeton’, Zone 3-9,
50-70 H x 30-50 W, Broad rounded
crown, dark green foliage turns yellow,
urban tolerant, excellent DED resistance
Celtis occidentalis, Zone 2-9, 40-60 H x 25-45 W, Native to ND, stucco-like bark, very adaptable, drought tolerant, narrow young, broad arching with age
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ’Harve’, Zone 3-6, 40-50 H x 30-35 W, thornless, seedless, great winter hardiness, golden yellow fall color, drought and pH tolerant
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ’Skycole’, Zone 3-8, 35-45 H x 25-35 W, thornless, nearly seedless, tolerant of adverse conditions, sun spotted shade
NDSU Intro. Tree Form. Copper Colored Exfoliating Bark. Flowers and Fragrance. This is THE PREMIER North Dakota Lilac Tree.
Syringia meyeri ‘Palibin’, Zone 4-8, 5-7 H
x 5-7 W, tolerates drought, heat, alkaline
and salt, fragrant early spring blooms,
can be trimmed back to bloom again
Syringia pekinensis ‘Summer Charm’, Zone
3-8, 20 H x 15 W, upright oval habit,
dark green foliage, creamy white
fragrant flowers, amber exfoliating bark
Classic Bismarck Boulevard Tree. Deep Green Foliage, Pyramidal Habit.
Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’, Zone 4-7, 40-
50 H x 30-35 W, Little leaf Linden with
strong leader, dark green foliage, yellow
in fall, excellent for urban boulevards
Talia x ‘Harvest Gold’, Zone 2-8, 25-45 H
x 25-30 W, exfoliating bark with age,
golden buds, golden fall color, Fragrant
flowers, excellent medium boulevard tree
Tilia americana ‘Redmond’, Zone 2-8, 50-
70 H x 30-45 W, ND Native, large ovalrounded
crown, tolerates drought and
clay, showy fragrant flower
Acer x freemanii ’Jeffersred’, Zone 3-8,
40-55 H x 30-40 W, adaptable maple,
showy red fall colors, tolerates wet soil
Acer platanoids ’Columnare’, Zone 4-7, 20
-35 H x 15 W, rigidly columnar, course
texture, early yellow flowers, urban
tolerant, require moist soil
Acer platanoids ’Crimson Sentry’, Zone
4-9, 25 H x 15 W, foliage emerges
bright crimson, deep maroon in summer,
bronzes in fall, urban tolerant
Acer ginnala ’Flame’, Zone 3-8, 20 H x 20
W, red seeds contrast green foliage,
flame fall colors, drought tolerant
Acer tataricum ginnala ‘Hot Wings’, Zone
4-10, 18 H x 18 W, Bright red summer
seeds contrast green foliage, tolerate
dry, clay, alkaline challenging soils
Acer x freemanii ‘Sienna, Zone 3-8, 40-
50 H x 35-40 W, Stronger wood, better
drought, salt & alkaline tolerance than
Autumn Blaze, similar colors
Acer saccharinum ‘Silver Queen’, Zone 3-
9, 40-50 H x 40-50 W, Fast growing ND
native maple, surprising tolerance for
poor dry soils, yellow fall color
Quercus macrocarpa, Zone 3-8, 70-90 H
x 60-90W, ND Native, furrowed bark,
dark green foliage turns yellow in fall
Quercus robur x bicolor ‘Nadler’, Zone 4-
8, 30 H x 6 W, Tight Columnar habit,
mildew, drought and urban tolerant
Fast growing. Up to 35' tall in 5 years! Great for establishing quick wind block. Seedless! Cottonless! Narrow, upright growth habit. No mess like those Bismarck Cottonwood Trees.
Populus deltoides ‘Siouxland’, Zone 3-9,
80 H x 40 W, Fast growing, cottonless,
tolerant of many difficult ND sites
Cercis canadensis, Zone 4-9, 20-30 H x
25-35 W, blooms before large heart
shaped leaves emerge, flat topped
growth habit, prefers moist soils
Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Autumn
Brilliance', Zone 3-9, 20 H x 20 W, early
spring flowers yield to small edible fruits
in summer, fruits persist into winter,
radiant orange-red fall color
Salix ‘Prairie Cascade’, Zone 3-10, 30 H x 40 W, golden arching branches & furrowed bark add winter interest, prefers wet soil, but tolerates much
Fruit trees hardy enough for North Dakota's difficult growing conditions. Remember to check if you need a pollinating partner for your trees. Some varieties of fruit trees need another variety within 50' with an overlapping bloom time for the birds and bees to cross-pollinate. This will provide the most abundant fruit. Best fruit trees for North Dakota. Buy fruit trees online. Wholesale fruit trees. Wholesale nursery. Click on pictures for options.
Malus “MN447”, Zone 3b, ripe: early to
mid-Oct, extremely cold hardy, ultra
sweet, good for cider, fresh, or dried
chips, pair with Haralred, Honeycrisp or
Malus ’Haralred’, Zone 3, ripe: late-Sep
early-Oct, redder and earlier than
Haralson, easy to grow, eat fresh or
bake, stores well, pair with Honeycrisp,
Norland or Frostbite
Malus ‘MN1711’, Zone 3, ripe: late-Sep,
most popular apple in Midwest, sweet &
balanced taste, crisp texture, great off
the tree & store very well, pair with
Haralred, Norland or Frostbite
Malus ‘Norland’, Zone 2, ripe: Sep, very
cold hardy, natural semi-dwarf, pick
before ripe to store, pair with Haralred,
Honeycrisp or Frostbite
Prunus cerasus ‘Evens Bali’, Zone 3-9, 15-
20 H x 10-15 W, showy white flowers
come before leaves, bright red fruit in
summer, jams, jellies, pies and wines, self
-fertile, urban tolerant
Prunus ‘North Star’, Zone 4-8, 8-10 H x
8-10 W, dwarf tree with high
production for small spaces, spring
flowers, textured bark for winter
interest, eat fresh, jams, desserts and
wines, self-fertile, urban tolerant
Prunus virginiana ‘Schubert’, Zone 2-7, 20
-30 H x 15-20 W, white flowers, dark
purple leaves, red fruit ripens to dark
purple in fall, jams and wine, wildlife, self
-fertile, tent caterpillars can be problem
Pyrus communis ‘Bosc’, Zone 4-8, Ripe:
Oct, sweet and juicy with notes
reminiscent of honey, russeting skin,
great fresh or for cooking or canning,
stores well, pair with Flemish Beauty,
Kieffer, Parker or Summer Crisp
Pyrus communis ’Flemish Beauty’, Zone 3-
8, Ripe: late-Sep to Oct, large roundish
fruits of uniform size and shape, red
blush on yellow skin, firm but tender
flesh, eating or drying, pair with Bosc
Pyrus communis ‘Kieffer’, Zone 4-8, Ripe:
late-Sep, pick when firm, ripen off tree,
self-fertile, but will pollinate others and
produce more when paired with others,
Euro-Asian Hybrid works with Bosc,
Flemish, Parker, Luscious, Summer Crisp
Pyrus ‘Luscious’, Zone 4-7, Ripe: late-Sep,
flavor similar to Bartlett, firm but
melting texture, Triploid variety
REQUIRES 2 other varieties to pollinate,
Parker, Kieffer, and/or Summer Crisp
Pyrus Communis, Zone 4-7, Ripe: multi
Sep-Oct, Ure/Comice/Summer Crisp/
Flemish Beauty, Self-Fertile, Multiple
varieties extend flowering and ripe times
Pyrus Communis ‘Parker’, Zone 4-8, Ripe:
Sep, will set some fruit without a
partner, better when paired, good
pollinator for Luscious, pair with
Luscious, Bosc, Flemish, Kieffer or
Summer Crisp
Pyrus ‘Summer Crisp’, Zone 4-8, Ripe:
Sep, pick when firm, best consumed while
still crisp, pair with Bosc, Flemish,
Kieffer or Parker
Hardy Container Shrubs. Colorful shrubs for North Dakota. Best shrubs for North Dakota landscape. Drought tolerant shrubs. Best flowering shrubs. Shrubs for sale. Buys shrubs online. Wholesale shrubs. Wholesale plants. Click on pictures for options.
Berberis thunbergii 'Crimson Pygmy',
Zone 4-8, 2 H x 3 W, dwarf, densely
branched, deep crimson foliage a great
contrast against light green or gold
companion plants
Berberis thunbergii 'Orange Rocket',
Zone 4-9, 4-5 H x 2-3 W, vibrant coralorange
new foliage turns a medium green
before ruby red in autumn, compact,
vigorous upright growth
Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow', Zone 4-
8, 5 H x 4 W, rich colored foliage on
graceful branching, deep rose-red foliage
mottled with white and green in spring,
bright red berries in fall and winter
Rhamus frangula ‘Fine Line’, Zone 2-7,
fine feathery texture, upright columnar
habit, very hardy tough plant, vertical
accent for perennial garden or frame
entryways, works well in large containers
Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’, Zone 4-9,
colorful accent or natural hedge, feature
at the foreground of large evergreens to
showcase this intense scarlet fall color
Aronia melanocarpa 'Autumn Magic',
Zone 3-7, 4-6 H x 4-6 W, dark green
foliage white flowers. Fall color mix of
bright reds and dusky purples, black
berry set holding well into winter
Cornus sericea 'Cardinal', Zone 3-8, 8 H
x 10 W, tiny fragrant white flowers turn
to white berries, dark green foliage
turns to reds, oranges and purples,
bright red stems add winter interest
Cornus alba ‘Prairie Fire’, Zone 2-7, very
hardy and colorful accent shrub, brilliant
red fall foliage drops to reveal flaming
orange-red stems for winter contrast
Cornus alba 'Elegantissima', Zone 2-8,
Variegated leaves, attractive berries,
stunning fall color and showy red stems
in winter, very hardy
Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II',
Zone 4-9, boasts improvements to the
original endless summer, improved color,
stronger stems and red stem color
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer', Zone 4
-9, 3-5 H x 3-5 W, the original, cold
hardy, re-blooming hydrangea
Hydrangea Macrophylla 'BAILMACFIVE',
Zone 4-9, 1-3 H x 1-3 W, kaleidoscope of
colors all spring, summer and fall, from
raspberry to neon purple
Hydrangea macrophylla ’Kimono’, Zone 4-
8, 2-3 H x 2-3 W, re-blooming white
flowers with wine-red margins, dark
green foliage turns to a purple hue by fall
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’, Zone 3-
9, 6-8 H x 6-8 W, huge football shaped
flowers open in an elegant key lime pie
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Quick Fire’,
Zone 3-8, 3-5 H x 3-5 W, early blooming
white flowers turn to pink-red as summer
progresses, drought tolerant
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renhy’, Zone 3-8, 6
-7 H x 5-6 W, flowers emerge white,
turn pink as night temps drop and
strawberry red later in fall
Syringa vulgaris, Zone 3-8, 8-12 H x 8-12
W, sweetly fragrant purple flowers in
early spring, vigorous upright multistemmed
shrub, excels in alkaline soils
Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’, Zone3-7, 4-6 H x
5-7 W, dwarf form for smaller gardens,
dark purple buds, flowers fading to
lavender, reddish-purple autumn hue
Syringa meyeri 'Flowerfesta Pink', Zone
3-7, 3-5 H x 3-5 W, compact, repeat
blooming, very fragrant flowers
Syringa x prestoniae 'Minuet', Zone 3-7,
6-8 H x 4-5 W, fragrant light purple
panicles, late spring bloom
Syringa pubescens subsp. patula 'Miss
Kim', Zone 4-8, 6-8 H x 6-8 W, Later
bloom, highly fragrant lavender flowers,
burgundy tinted fall foliage
Syringa vulgaris ‘President Grevy’, Zone 3
-7, 10-12 H x 8 W, immense panicles
packed with fragrant double lavender
blue florets in late spring
Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'Sweetheart',
Zone 3-7, 8-10 H x 5-7 W, fragrant
dusky pink buds open to pale pink double
florets, leaves turn burgundy in fall
Acer ginnala ’Flame’, Zone 3-8, 15 H x 15
W, red seeds contrast green foliage,
flame fall colors, drought tolerant
Acer tataricum ginnala ‘Hot Wings’, Zone
4-10, 18 H x 18 W, Bright red summer
seeds contrast green foliage, tolerate
dry, clay, alkaline challenging soils
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow', Zone 2-8, 4-6 H x 4-6 W, yellowish green new foliage matures to orangish glow, and dark red with purple hues in fall, pink flowers in early summer
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Monlo’, Zone 3-7,
stunning deep purple foliage, creamy
white flowers, prefers acidic soils,
tolerates some drought
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Lady in Red’,
Zone 4-7, coral red foliage matures to
burgundy, exfoliating bark on older
branches, small pink-white flowers
Rosa x ‘Meisentmil’, Zone 5-11, yellow
colored flowers brighten any landscape,
bushy round compact habit, blooms all
season, protect from cold winter winds
Rosa x ‘Meijocos’, Zone 4-11, deep pink
flowers with soft faded center, disease
resistant, easy care
Rosa x , Zone 4-11, abundant blooms,
extended season, easy to grow spreading
rose shrub, vigorous, hardy
Prunus x cistena, Zone 2-8, striking
foliage and delicate looking flowers,
tolerates most well-drained soils
Amelanchier × grandiflora 'Autumn
Brilliance', Zone 3-9, 20 H x 20 W, early
spring flowers yield to small edible fruits
in summer, fruits persist into winter,
radiant orange-red fall color
Amelanchier alnifolia 'Regent', Zone 2-7, 5 H x 5 W, Showy slightly fragrant early flowers, abundant edible fruit turns dark purple, bluish green foliage turns yellow to red in fall
Spiraea x bumalda 'Goldflame', Zone 4-9,
dense upright mounded shrub, bronzed
new growth matures soft yellow green
and turns copper orange in fall
Spiraea japonica 'Goldmound', Zone 4-8,
Vibrant golden spring foliage, pink
flowers, yellowish green in summer
foliage then rich, yellowish orange in fall
Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma', Zone 4-9,
compact, mounded, red new leaves.
Clusters of small pink flowers contrast
gold mature foliage, russet red in fall
Viburnum dentatum ‘Blue Muffin’, Zone 3-
8, 6 H x 6 W, balls of creamy white
flowers turn to azure blue berries in late
fall, shade tolerant
Viburnum x carlcephalum, Zone 3-8, 6-
12 H x 6-10 W, apple-green flower
clusters turn to snow white balls, easy,
fast growing shrub
Viburnum dentatum 'JN Select', Zone 3-
8, foliage emerges burgundy and turns
dark green, white flowers and blue
berries, low maintenance
Add color and texture to your landscape features with North Dakota hardy perennials! Best perennials for North Dakota. Best garden perennials. Colorful perennials. Hardy Perennials. Drought tolerant perennials. Perennials for sale. Buy perennials online. Wholesale perennials. Wholesale North Dakota Nursery. Click on pictures for options.
Artemisia schmidtiana ‘Nana’, Zone 3-9,
Full sun, bright silver foliage, mounded
Aster dumosus ‘Wood’s Blue’, Zone 3-8,
Full Sun, light blue flowers, neat clean
disease resistant plant
Astilbe chinensis var. taquetti ‘Superba’,
Zone 3-8, full sun to shade, purple
flowers, large vigorous plant
Penstemon digitalis ‘TNPENDB’, Zone 3-8,
full sun, pink flowers atop dark burgundy
towers of foliage
Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’, Zone 3-9,
Full sun to part shade, golden yellow
flowers with dark cone centers, hold
flowers for extended time
Dicentra formosa ‘Luxuriant’, Zone 3-8,
Full sun to shade, reddish pink flowers,
everblooming, lacy leaves
Campanula carpatica ‘Rapido Blue’, Zone 3
-8, Full sun to part shade, vibrant violet
blue flowers early
Echinacea purpurea ‘Prairie Splendor’,
Zone 3-9, Full sun to part shade, early
bloom time and extended fall bloom of
purple flowers
Heuchera ‘TNHEUNEB’, Zone 3-9, Full
sun to shade, black rounded leaves form a
medium large mound, small white flowers
Heuchera ‘TNHEUNER’, Zone 3-9, Full
sun to shade, red rounded leaves form a
medium large mound, small white flowers
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’, Zone 3-9,
Full sun, upright growth with sparkling
golden blooms in June hold until frost
Hemerocallis ‘Baja’, Zone 3-9, Full sun to
part shade, velvet red bloom with green
Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’, Zone 3-9,
Full sun to part shade, lemon yellow
everblooming fragrant flowers
Hemerocallis ‘Pardon Me’, Zone 3-9, Full
sun to part shade, cranberry red
everblooming fragrant flowers with
green throat
Hemerocallis ‘Stella D’ Oro’, Zone 3-9,
Full sun to part shade, bright gold
everblooming flowers
Delphinium elatum ‘Magic Fountains
Dark Blue/Dark Bee’, Zone 3-7, Full sun
to part shade, compact form, dark blue
Dianthus superbus ‘Holkahoriscarlet’,
Zone 3-7, Full sun to part shade,
fragrant bright scarlet flowers,
excellent production summer through fall
Baptisia australis, Zone 3-9, Full sun to
part shade, blue-green leaves on strong
stems, spikes of indigo blue flowers
Athyrium x ‘Ghost’, Zone 3-8, Part to full
shade, silvery green fronds glow in the
shade, dark purple upright stems
Athyrium filix-femina, Zone 3-8, Full sun
top shade, Full vase shaped fern that is
full sun tolerant, red upright stems
Sempervivum ‘Commander Hay’, Zone 3-9,
Full sun to part shade, rosettes of dark
red and green foliage form small mounds
Hosta ‘Curly Fries’, Zone 3-9, Part to full
shade, small hosta with narrow rippled
leaves, brightest color with partial sun
Hosta fortunei 'Fragrant Bouquet', Zone
3-8, part to full shade, light heart
shaped leaves, large fragrant flowers
with trumpet shape
Hosta x 'Krossa Regal', Zone 3-8, part to
full shade, tall vase shape with frosty
blue-green leaves
Hosta x 'Paul's Glory', Zone 3-9, Part to
full shade, blue-green leaves with
chartreuse center turn dark with bright
golden center
Hosta x 'Stained Glass', Zone 3-9, Full
sun to shade, bright gold foliage with
wide green edges, large fragrant
flowers, sun tolerant
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Charles White’, Zone 3
-8, Full sun to part shade, large double
white fragrant flowers
Phlox subulata ‘Candy Stripe’, Zone 2-8,
Full sun to part shade, creeping mat of
evergreen foliage with pink and white
candy striped flowers
Phlox paniculata ‘Barsixtytwo’, Zone 3-8,
Full sun to part shade, compact with
fragrant coral red blossoms
Salvia nemerosa ‘Apex Pink’, Zone 4-9,
Full sun to part shade, abundant rich pink
flowers on mid sized plant, rebloom with
Salvia nemorosa ‘Florsalsbu’, Zone 3-8,
Full sun, compact, dense form with loads
of light blue to violet flower spikes of
Sedum spurium ‘Fuldaglut’, Zone 3-9, Full
sun, reddish bronze foliage and bright
rose red flowers, low mounded shape
Iris siberica ‘Caesar’s Brother’, Zone3-9,
Full sun to part shade, tall with dark
velvet purple flowers and a yellow white
Achillea millefolium ‘Balvinred’, Zone 4-
9, Full sun, compact form with rich red
flowers, reblooms and holds shape
Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’, Zone 4-
9, Full sun, creamy yellow centered leaves
with dark green edges, spikes of creamy
white flowes
Perennial grasses are an easy way to soften hardscape features and to add volume. These grasses have unique colors and forms that wave in the breeze or change through the season. Best Grasses for North Dakota. Best garden grasses. Best perennial grasses. Hardy grasses. Drought tolerant grasses. Colorful grasses. Perennial grasses for sale. Buy grasses online. Wholesale grasses. North Dakota wholesale nursery. Click on pictures for options.
Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks', Zone
3-9, Full sun, dramatic vertical accent,
emerges green, red-bronze hues in
summer, near black in fall
Festuca glauca ‘Boulder Blue’, Zone 3-8,
Full sun to part shade, superior color
tough grass with strict clump form
Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’, Zone 3-8, Full
sun to part shade, dense fine blue
foliage, performs best in full sun and dry
Calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’,
Zone 3-8, Full sun to part shade, silvery
seed heads turn wheat colored and last
into winter, upright clump
Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose', Zone
5-9, smoky rose-purple flower spikes
greater cold tolerance than other
varieties, protect new growth in late
winter or early spring
Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Blaze’, Zone 3-
8, Full sun, vivid red fall foliage, fade to
pink through winter, easily grown and
adaptable with good drainage
Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Smoke Signal’,
Zone 3-8, blue green foliage turns deep
purple in summer, brighter tone in fall,
strong stems maintain form until freeze
Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’, Zone 4-
8, Full sun, blue grey leaf blades turn
yellow in fall, loose weeping purple green
heads rise above foliage
This category is specifically for low maintenance in North Dakota landscapes. Best native North Dakota plants. Drought tolerant plants. Best plants for xeriscape. North Dakota raingarden plants. Best native plants for garden. Native plants for sale. Buy native plants online. Wholesale native plants. Wholesale nursery Bismarck. Click on pictures for options.
Monarda fistulosa, Zone 3-8, Full sun to
part shade, red stems, green foliage and
lavender flowers provide loads of color
and attract pollinators, dry to moist soils
Andropogon gerardii, Zone 3-8, Full sun,
very tall grass, color changes with
season, seed heads add color contrast
and interest
Rudbeckia hirta, Zone 3-8, Full sun to
part shade, yellow daisied with dark
centers, self sowing seeds will spread to
open soil, adaptable in dry to moist soils
Mertensia virginica, Zone 3-8, Part to full
shade, early blooming pink buds turn to
blue flowers, long lived forming large
clumps with time, woodland native goes
dormant by mid summer
Dalea purpurea, Zone 4-8, Full sun, purple
and gold flowers on delicate foliage, heat
and drought tolerant, dry to medium soils
Geranium maculatum, Zone 3-8, Full sun
to shade, early pinkish flowers on
delicate foliage, medium to moist soils in
sun or shade
Bouteloua gracilis, Zone 3-8, Full sun,
short grass in distinct clumps, tight
attractive seed heads, dry to medium
Bouteloua curtipendula, Zone 3-8, Full
sun, bright purple orange flowers and
bright green foliage, very attractive, dry
to medium soils
Sorghastrum nutans, Zone 3-8, Full sun,
brown plumes with yellow anthers over
clumps of upright metallic blue foliage,
adaptable to many soil conditions
Baptisia australis, Zone 3-8, Full sun to
part shade, blue-green leaves on strong
stems, spikes of indigo blue flowers
Iris versicolor, Zone 3-8, Full sun to part
shade, patches of deep blue flowers, use
on edges of water features, tolerate
standing water, high moisture required
Schizachyrium scoparium, Zone 3-8, Full
sun, colors change with season,
tolerates heat and drought, dry to
medium well drained soils
Lobelia silphilitica, Zone 3-8, Full sun to
part shade, brilliant true blue flowers,
medium to wet soils, will tolerate brief
periods of drought
Asclepias incarnata, Zone 3-8, Full sun,
erect clump forming with small fragrant
pink flowers, attractive seed pods, thrive
along ponds, streams and water features
Carex pennsylvanica, Zone 3-8, Full sun to
shade, bright green narrow arching grass
with good shade tolerance, dry to medium
Allium cernuum, Zone 4-8, Full sun,
nodding clusters of pink flowers, onion
like scent, long lived, hardy, tolerate dry
to moist soils
Phlox pilosa, Zone 4-8, Full sun, bright
pink flowers spring to summer, dry to
medium soils
Sporobolus heterolepis, Zone 3-8, Full
sun to part shade, mounds of arching fine
foliage, neat clump with good fall color
and edible seeds, tolerates many soils,
even heavy clay with drainage
Eryngium yuccifolium, Zone 4-8, Full sun,
yucca-like basal leaves, soft weak
prickles, white flower heads on stout
stems, medium to moist soils
Liatris aspera, Zone 4-8, Full sun, wands
of lavender flowers grow in sandy to
loamy dry soils, great for birds and
Verbena stricta, Zone 4-8, Full sun,
spires of lavender blue flowers, very
drought resistant, thrives in dry and well
drains soils
Achillea millefolium, Zone 3-8, Full sun,
flattened dome shape with white flower
heads on fern-like leaves
Sod grown on Green Acres Sod Farm in North Dakota. Best sod for North Dakota. Mineral sod. Sod rolls for sale online. Drought Tolerant Sod. Hardy Sod for North Dakota. North Dakota Sod for sale. Buy pallets of sod online. Buy sod online. Wholesale sod. Sod Farm. North Dakota sod farm. Click on picture for options.
Mineral Sod grown at Green Acres Sod Farm in North Dakota. Real tough sod grown in North Dakota for North Dakota landscapers.
Landscapers, Developers, and Retailers call for Wholesale Catalog. Retail sales under $200 are Pre-Pay ONLY. Retail sales over $200 are 50% deposit (non-refundable) with balance due on pickup. Pick up will be first part of May at our Tree Lot along ND HWY 1804 N in Bismarck, ND. Perfect time for bare root planting, then container and B&B trees may be easily planted any time after ground thaw until freeze up.
All Plantings/Installations REQUIRE FREE CONSULT. Schedule here on our website, call 701-226-6098, or email Bare Root (Planted in rows) and Container, B&B, Wooden Basket Evergreens (Planted Individually). How to plant trees in North Dakota. North Dakota tree planting. Tree planting in Bismarck.
We can plant anything that we grow or sell for you. B&B Evergreens are very large and heavy, let us do the lifting!
If you have a young, strong back you may want to do this yourself. Or not. We have special equipment to take the load off.
Evergreens in containers with potting soil may be lighter, but do you really feel like getting dirty? Let us do the dirty work.
We plant ANY of the varieties we sell. We have all of the above, and MANY, MANY more in stock or available. All Plantings/Installations REQUIRE FREE CONSULT. Schedule here on our website, call 701-226-6098, or email Bare Root (Planted in rows), Container and B&B Deciduous (Planted Individually). How to plant a shade tree in North Dakota. Bismarck shade tree planting. Bismarck boulevard tree planting.
Many shade trees over 2" caliper and with heights over 14' are field grown, and packaged B&B. We sell them big, and we can plant them for you.
We grow and sell shade trees up to 2" caliper, 12-14' height, and in containers up to #25. Let us handle the planting on these big fellas.
Our standard size shade trees come in #7-#10 size containers. You could plant these yourself, but do you really want to do all that shoveling?
All Plantings/Installations REQUIRE FREE CONSULT. Schedule here on our website, call 701-226-6098, or email Bare Root (Planted in rows) and Container Deciduous Shrubs (Planted Individually). How to plant shrubs in North Dakota. Bismarck shrub planting. How to plant shrubs in landscape.
Shrubs usually come in containers size #1-#5. These are easily handled by most anyone who enjoys a little gardening. Maybe you have a lot of them to do, and you just don't have the time. We can plant hundreds of them in an afternoon. Let us handle it.
Landscapers, Developers, and Retailers call for Wholesale Catalog. We also do special orders. Please call or email for a free consult, and we can make a plan that is perfect for you with trees that suit YOUR property and YOUR needs. or 701-226-6098
We are a licensed North Dakota Nursery, North Dakota Tree Farm and Landscape Contractor in Bismarck, ND. We take special orders for any size and species of North Dakota hardy trees. Bare root, container, wooden basket or B&B. From seedlings to 10'+ tall mature trees. We have trees that are best suited for your North Dakota property. Not every tree online is suited to grow in YOUR back yard. We use USDA soil, climate and species data to help you select those with the greatest success.
6829 Deerewood Lane, Bismarck, North Dakota 58503, United States
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